-  "Trust God - Don´t worry"  

God's heart is for hurting, broken, needy people.

In Mat. 6:24-34
Jesus commands us: “Trust God – Don't worry; Seek His Kingdom and your Heavenly Father will take care of all your earthy needs.”
He’ll handle your fears and dry your tears.

In this familiar portion of the Sermon on the Mount, three times in this short passage, Christ commands, “Do not worry!”

The missing dimension in people’s lives is they have no Heavenly Father who cares for them. Relationship is the key.

We human beings rush about and worry, fight, fuss and discuss; connive, cajole, and contrive, beg, steal or borrow our song, because the vicissitudes of life leaves us helpless on the treadmill of despair, disappointment and desperation. If only, if only, we knew we had a Heavenly Father who cared for us!

If only! If only!
Dear Believer, you have such a One. What’s all the fuss about? Why are you worrying? You were born to live a life of believing; and trusting in God. You didn’t bring yourself here. You didn’t come into this world all on your own. You came into this world to depend on the One who brought you here. You were born for a specific spiritual purpose. That purpose, which is your assignment, unfolds as you live in relationship with your Heavenly Father, God.

Jesus invites you to look at the birds and learn a lesson. Those same pesky birds which were so numerous and often disturbed the crops of the fields and had to be constantly chased away. Jesus said: “Your heavenly Father feeds them.” Will He feed them and not feed you? Will you feed the dog and not feed your child? Why, no sparrow was ever saved, sanctified and satisfied; made whole by the blood of the Lamb. But you have!
No sparrow have ever received the Spirit of Sonship ~ but you have! And no robin was ever promised a crown of eternal life – but you have!

Wow!  God is the God of tomorrow just like He is the God of today. Lamentations 3:23 tells us His mercies “are new every morning.”
Yes, by the exemplary life of FAITH you LIVE, you can leave a rich legacy of FAITH for generations yet unborn, as you daily live in the glorious freedom and abundance of God's Amazing Grace.

Jesus Christ, He's the SAME, (faithful), yesterday and today, yes, and forever” (Heb. 13:8)


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