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The Holy Spirit in our lives. - HIS PRESENCE, PURPOSE AND POWER ! ************************************************ “We need to allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives through understanding and surrendering our hearts and wills to Father God. Most people don’t know the Holy Spirit and what wonderful power He makes available to all believers. - How do you know if a person has or is filled with the Spirit? The scriptures declare that Jesus Christ had the Spirit without measure. Moreover, that if a person does not have the Spirit residing in them and motivating their conduct and conscience, they don’t belong to God. The most familiar knowledge and emphasis many Christians have regarding the Holy Spirit is ‘speaking in tongues’ – and that’ s most unfortunate because God has so much more for His children to experience through the leading of the Spirit in their lives. - His presence. Where is He? 1.- The blessed Holy Spirit is the Promised Comforter. - During the earthy ministry of Jesus, He was Rabbi, personal friend, counsellor, comforter and leader to the disciples. In John 14:16, On the eve of His departure to return to the Father, Jesus’ disciples were very dismayed and disconsolate. Jesus promised them, “I am not going to leave you here on earth, forlorn and powerless: “ I will pray the Father and He will give you another Helper - the Comforter. When the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Truth is come - He will be your constant companion; He will guide you and show you things to come. - The Master would only personally begin the great salvation drama of human redemption, but his followers would have the awesome responsibility of bringing untold millions into the Kingdom of God, - empowered by the Holy Spirit. - Praise God. When Jesus Christ returned to Heaven The promised Holy Spirit came on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, and swept repentant multitudes into the Kingdom of God in a single hour. Since that awe-inspiring and very eventful beginning, we’ve been living in the dispensation of the Holy Spirit’s power until this present hour. The promised Comforter resides here on earth in the lives of all Believers. - His purpose and power 2.- He calls and saves lost and fallen humanity. At the moment of conversion, He quickens or imparts new life to a person who is spiritually dead. Which means your spirit becomes ALIVE to God, from your spiritual deadness, according to Eph 2:1. You are now ´born again of the Spirit´. In John 3:5 Jesus affirms that a person must be born again of the water and of the Spirit in order to enter God’s Kingdom. Rom 10:9,10 tells us that if you confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God hath raised him from the dead, you are saved. For with the heart a person believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. 2 Corinthians 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. - Jesus reveals in John 6:44 that no man can come to God except the Holy Spirit draws him. All men are lost until they are saved. When we speak of something as ‘lost’, there’s an implied understanding that it’s valuable to someone – the one who lost it. So likewise, the universal lost condition of men is proof positive that all men are valuable to God. You say, ‘Preacher, I’m not lost; I know where I live; I know where my home is; and I know how to get there. That’s true, but if you don’t know where God is, and if you have never found Him, then you don’t have a relationship with Him, and you’re lost, and need to seek and find your Creator God, though He’s not very far from you. In Jeremiah 29:13 God promises: And you will seek me, and find me, when you search for me with all your heart. The Holy Spirit is the agent of regeneration sent out to the human family of planet Earth, calling men and women to God – to restore us to relationship with Father God - that r elationship which was broken in the Garden of Eden. Since then, all men are hopelessly lost – except and until they’re drawn by God’s loving Holy Spirit and they respond in saving faith, saying “Yes” to God. This is a call to return to the God of your life – the call of deliverance and redemption to whosoever is willing to drink of the water of life freely, and live. What a wonderful privilege is ours! And friend, if you are not a Believer, God is calling you today through this message. When a person is born again, there’s rejoicing among the angels in Heaven as the Spirit comes and takes up residence in that person’s life. Paul reminds us in 1 Cor 6:19.that our bodies have now become temples of the Holy Spirit. He indwells you. 1John 4:4, God reminds us:"Greater is He who is in you than He who is in the world." We’re commanded: ‘Be filled with the Spirit. It is this indwelling Spirit who endows us with power for living in this world and for witnessing to the power of the living, risen Christ in every believer. 3.- Ownership. He seals you. This is security and identifies ownership – we now belong to the Father. Our allegiance changes. In Eph 1:13, we’re sealed with the ‘Holy Spirit of Promise.’ We’re God’s own for time and for all eternity. We can lustily sing: ‘Blessed assurance Jesus is mine – O what a foretaste of glory divine, heir of salvation, purchased of God, born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. O what a blessed confidence is ours when we know beyond the shadow of a doubt, that we are kept by His Spirit – the Spirit of the living God. He is the ONE WHO keeps you; preserves you, protects you, and perfects you; and He’s the One marks you present in that day when your redemption from the very presence of sin is COMPLETE. The coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to receive us unto Himself. Glory to God! 4.- The Spirit comes to solve our problem of identity, lostness, and aloneness. We know who we are: John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name. We’re sons. He’s the spirit of Son-ship. He came to solve our need of belonging. Gal 4:6 reveals, ‘Because you’re sons, God has sent His Spirit into your hearts, “Abba, Father”! The essence of all of life is relationship. And Rom 8. 15, 16 declares: For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 16 The Spirit bears witness with our spirit, that we are God’s children. ~ I’m no more a stranger but like a child at home. One with Dad. 1 Peter 2: 9,10: 9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God; which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. The Holy Spirit is the restorer of God’s image marred in lost and fallen man. His work is making people like Jesus. Of course, it’s most natural for the children to be like the parent. The Spirit enables us to live a life of personal satisfaction – peaceful serenity, privileged and permanent security - and that’s found through maintaining a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We’re Ambassadors for Christ! Ambassadors on assignment, – in a foreign country, representing home. You’re a soldier – in enemy territory. You’re a businessman/woman, anointed, appointed and talented, occupying your gifted place of service conducting business on behalf of your Heavenly Father, God – the business of reconciling men and women to God, in whatever station of life you are. God desires that no one should perish, but all should come to everlasting life. The Spirit’s purpose is to empower us to live the kind or quality of life we need to live. Like Abraham of old, we begin to hear God’s voice. We identify with Him and He with us. HEAVEN there is Heaven begun here. We must live out the Kingdom here. Here, we’re training for reigning. 5.- The Spirit also leads us. 1 Romans 8:14, For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. 6.- The Spirit sanctifies. You’re set apart. You are now holy. We’re now Agents of change. When you are led by God’s Holy Spirit, you’re not ordinary. There’s a difference between a saved employee and a lost employee; a saved musician and a lost one; a saved preacher and a lost one. There’re only two classes of people in this world: the lost, and the saved. It’s the anointing manifested through the indwelling Spirit. There’s a distinction. You have a different world-view on life. You’re a new creation. You’re born again. You serve God with passion and true consecration. He entreat us, ‘Be holy, Philippians 2:13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. And the Holy Spirit is actively at work all over the earth, changing lives today. In the midst of temptation He is my stay; He strengthens me when I am weak; And when I fall He helps me to get up again; He washes me in the precious Blood of Jesus and says ‘Do better now my child. When I stumble or falter He catches me, supports and sustains me and send me on the way rejoicing in sweet victory. He is the lifter of your every heavy burden The provider of your every need The restorer of man’s lost heritage: Indeed, He’s Christ in you: The Hope of Glory. There’s not a thought you think that He doesn’t know There’s not a valley you walk through which He doesn’t go There’s not a tear you shed that He doesn’t see There’s not a wrong that’s done for which He doesn’t plea There’s no darkness in your life where won’t shine His Light There’s no wrong in life that He won’t make right! Just keep on walking, led by the Spirit. It doesn’t matter what may happen in your life. Your weeping endures only for the night, but joy, yes, great joy comes in the morning. It’s the joy that the Holy Spirit gives to those who are His own. Joseph experienced many hardships but the Scriptures tell us that God was with Him. And if God is with you, you do well. You’ll overcome, indeed! He leads you in paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake. He provides Paths to dwell in. Friend, is there trouble in your life today? Do you fear the price you’d have to pay? Do the past flow back into your life unbidden? Do you have sins that to men’s eyes are hidden? Do your harbour unforgiveness towards someone who wronged you? Do you long to find a friend that’s true? Is your mind plagued by forbidden thoughts? Do you know the forgiveness God has wrought? Do you live a life of secret shame? Do you feel your living is all in vain? Do you regret a life of wasted years? Are you tired of shedding too many tears? Are you weary, are you heavyhearted? Afraid of the future, are you longing for someone who has departed? Then let the Holy Spirit come into your life; surrender to the risen Christ and watch God redeem you from a life of wasted years, and SEE God do miracles in your LIFE. For where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty! Jesus promised: "When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you in all truth." John 16:13 Your greatest days are justt ahead! Please pray this prayer with me: | |||||||
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